Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dallas Rallies to Raise Funds for West, Texas

The ‘Texans for West’ Benefit Concert will Feature Performances by Toadies Lead Singer Vaden Todd Lewis, Jonathan Tyler & the Northern Lights, and More!

Venue: AT&T Performing Arts Center - Dallas, Tx.

On Sunday, April 28th, Texans for West to host a benefit concert to raise funds for those affected by the recent tragedy in West, Texas. Presented by the AT&T Performing Arts Center, the event will feature performances by Jonathan Tyler & the Northern Lights, a brief set of solo acoustic songs by Toadies lead singer Vaden Todd Lewis, The O’s, Somebody’s Darling and Goodnight Ned.

Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) has partnered with organizers to create the "Texans for West Fund". All proceeds for the concert will be deposited with the Foundation. Using guidance from CFT leadership, benefit creators will choose non profits whose missions are to serve areas in West Texas to provide basic needs including food, clothing, shelter and counseling services.

The event will be hosted at the AT&T Performing Arts Center Annette Strauss Square from 4 to 10 p.m. Strauss Square is an outdoor, BYOB venue. Tickets can be purchased for $20, and all proceeds will benefit West, Texas via CFT. To purchase tickets, please visit